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151 Random Acts of Kindness

151 Random Acts of Kindness | Reminders With Love

This world would be a completely different place if everyone starts showing kindness to each other. There are countless ways you can cheer someone up. Most of them won’t take much time to do.

Get some inspiration from our extensive list of Random Acts of Kindness and spread smiles and kindness wherever you go.

Random Acts of Kindness for Strangers

Random Acts of Kindness for Nonprofits

Random Acts of Kindness for Co-Workers

Random Acts of Kindness for Neighbors

Random Acts of Kindness for Family and Friends

You might also like to read about Random Acts of Kindness that Can Be Done from Home.


Kindness is a gift that we have to practice by giving. The more we spread kindness, the more receive it. We always tend to believe that the people around us should practice these acts of kindness in order to make this world beautiful. But we often forget that we too are a part of the world, and it is us who should start practicing these first. Why wish for changes in other people when we can change ourselves to be that person?

How nice this world would be if everyone tries to become an exemplary person instead of hoping others to be so? Let us spread love and positivity among others and be an inspiration to them too. Next time you come across someone struggling with something, use some of the above inspirations to spread kindness and make them smile. Also, don’t forget to include some of them in your daily routine and spread positive energy with a heart full of love.

I know I might have missed some great ideas. You might have some more suggestions of random acts of kindness that you’ve been doing already. What would you add to the list?

Don’t forget to add them in the comments!

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