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Creating Your Miracle Morning Routine


Easy and proven tips to build good habits to master your mornings and transform your life

Have you ever noticed when you wake up feeling like you didn’t have a good sleep or you realized you slept too much and had to rush around to get going on time, your day seemed “bad”? It’s not the day that was “bad” but how your morning affected your day to be “bad”.

Simply said, the way we feel in the morning will carry into the day.

In today’s article, you’re going to learn how to build your morning routine for an effective and successful day.

Why is a morning routine important?

Like I said earlier, the way our morning affects the rest of the day. If you have a clear routine for your morning, you’ll wake up fresh and energetically because you know what you have to do each day. It will also make sure you’re with the best mindset for taking on the day.

Ultimately, you’ll be using your morning routine for the things that will help you reach your destinations.

STEP #1 : Decide the time you’ll wake up.

Now, this is the most important thing you’ve got to decide. If you’re leaving home daily for work or college, then I suggest you wake up at least 2 hours before the time you actually leave. That way you can spare at least one hour for the special morning routine and have the rest for getting ready.

The amount of time you have differs according to many factors including your lifestyle and the responsibilities you’ve got. For an instance, if you’re a mom, time would be one of the most important things in your life.

Now that you’ve decided a time to wake up, it’s time you make it work. Set your alarms. Write down the time on a piece of paper, probably on a sticky note. Journal about it.

Is waking up something you struggle with? If yes, then waking up hours earlier may never work well for you. Yet you don’t have to give up. If you’re waking up at 8 currently but would love to wake up at 6, first try a week waking up at 7.30. Then go for 7 am for a week and 6.30 for another week. After that, set your alarm at 6 am and ultimately you will easily achieve your goal of waking up earlier.

Get really enthusiastic about waking up early and commit yourself to do so. Determine that you’ll get up as soon as the first alarm sounds. And try not to snooze. It’s gonna be tough at the beginning but it’s really worth it!

If you continue waking up earlier for 21 days, trust me you’ll never feel tired of waking up earlier anymore.

STEP #2 : Decide what will be included in your daily morning routine.

Let’s look at the things you can include in your morning routine.

Pick 1 to 3 items from the below ideas. If you’re new to things, then start with one thing at a time. Once that becomes your habit, then pick the next choice. Try mastering one thing before going for a further step.

TIP #1 : Meditating

With proper meditation, you can make your mind calm and ground yourself. It’s one of the best things to do before you start your day. It will relieve your stress before going to the outside world.

TIP #2 : Moving your body

There are plenty of ideas for this including going to the gym, doing workouts, practicing yoga, going for a walk, jogging, etc. Ask your friend or partner to accompany you so that you won’t get bored.

TIP #3 : Journaling

Now there are 2 major types of journaling that I’d like to talk about.

One is gratitude journaling where you can write down 3 things you’re grateful for from the previous day/ week or month. The aim of this is to put you in a mindset of appreciation. You’ll be looking at the things with gratitude as today unfolds.

The next type is intention journaling where you can write down how you expect your day to be, how you want things to happen, what specific goals you have in your mind, how you want to feel, etc. This is a kind of visualization of the new day.

TIP #4 : Being creative

If you’re gifted with skill, and if you have enough time (obviously) you can do some drawing, painting, writing, blogging, designing, creating, etc. Morning is all yours, uninterrupted.

Mornings are so precious because we’re not exhausted by the things happening throughout the day. So, our thoughts and feelings too are fresh. Allow your soul to express your inner thoughts.

TIP #5 : Learning

If you’re looking forward to learning something new, why not try the early hours?

As mentioned earlier we don’t feel any burden in the early hours. Your brain and mind are so fresh and you have an entire day ahead of you. Mornings are highly effective to study something or learn new things. If you wake up around 4 am or 5 am then surely you know what I mean.

While the world has not woken up yet, get time with yourself, for yourself.

TIP #6 : Fulfilling a task

If you’ve been trying to complete a task but could not find time for it, this is a great time to schedule it!


Reaching your goals becomes easier with the little things you do every single day. And if you hope to achieve something new, you have to start off with some new habits.

Have a few hours a day to yourself to remove unnecessary things that are not helpful for you.

Create habits that support your life while focusing on what’s important for you.

Having an effective morning routine surely will encourage you to enter your day with a positive mindset and an accomplished feeling.

So, what’s in your morning routine? Have I missed one of your favorite parts of your morning routine? I want to know. Just leave a comment!

Thanks for reading!

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