Learn how self-love is the key to unlock your greatness: A quick guide for self-discovery and emotional healing to help you feel good enough, boost self-esteem, build a healthy mindset, and embrace your true self by practicing self love.

Are you broken inside? Feeling overwhelmed? Lost yourself? Looking for ways to learn to love yourself?

Practicing self-love is one of the most powerful things that you can do for yourself. When you become the source of strength and love in your own life, your whole world changes. Your body, your soul, your heart, your mind, your relationships, your education, your health, your wealth, your career – everything will be flourished when you accept yourself and start loving yourself just the way you are.

By practicing self-love, you cultivate a healthy and strong relationship with yourself and that’s where miracles begin.

So how do we learn to love ourselves?

You can try these 9 tips to practice self-love straight away.

TIP #1 : A letter to yourself!

Writing a loving letter to yourself is something you can do straight away. Just pick up a pen and paper. Start writing a letter to yourself with the exact love and care you would write to your closest friend.

Write about the things happening in your life right now. Write about how you have come so far in life amidst all the obstacles that came your way.

Mention the things that bring joy to you, the people in your life that make you happy and safe.

Reflect on your feelings and thoughts. Remind yourself of your dreams, wishes, and goals and how you plan to achieve those goals.

There might be some things in your life that you’re struggling with right now. Switch your situation with one close friend of yours and think about what advice, motivation, and encouragement you can give to her/ him. And write them down in the letter.

Last but not least, see how far you have achieved things in your life. It’s not necessary to get the highest grades, highest salaries, or have the most luxurious goods. Celebrate even your little achievements in life. See how happy or content you are.

Mention how you’re grateful to have kind, loving, and caring people in your life.

If you’re not satisfied with the things or the people in your life, make plans today to change for the better versions!

TIP #2 : Love you? Or hate you?

This too can be done right now.

Grab a pen and paper again. This time we’re gonna list down the things that you love about you and hate about yourself. The positive side and the negative side of you.

Do you really love yourself? What are your strengths?

If you come up with an empty list for the positive side, you gotta be kidding me, right? There are so many things to love about yourself. It could be your hair, your smile, the way you help others, the way you think about others, and the list goes on and on.

Be thankful for those things and qualities. You just need to improve them eventually.

Now let’s come to the negative things or the things you hate about yourself. Is there none of them? Do you love everything and the quality about you? Then you’re brilliant! Keep shining!

But most people (including myself) feel that they have some things to be changed. Maybe a bad attitude, bad behavior, negative thoughts about anything or anyone, lack of self-confidence, etc.

But hey, if you don’t like your hair or your body type, that should not be on this list. Why? That’s because that’s not the way how you should feel about yourself. You’re beautiful, no matter how your physical appearance is! Only include things that would affect you or anyone negatively.

TIP #3 : Start a gratitude journal

Who doesn’t love journaling? Maybe you already have a gratitude journal. If yes, continue it.

Not familiar with this? It’s so simple. Take a notebook. Write down 5 things that you’re grateful for each day.

There is no rule for this. You may include:

  • The things you have in life
  • Things that you’ve achieved so far
  • Things happened to you in a positive way
  • Who helped you within the day and how they helped you
  • Whom you helped and how you helped them
  • People in your life that you’re thankful for
  • At least one thing that you’re thankful for each day

It trains your brain to be more positive and makes you happier and more grateful each day.

It is one of the key things in terms of practicing self-love.

First, try this straight away for a week. Trust me, you will love yourself even more. And you’ll continue this for sure!

Finally, you’ll end up at an incredibly loving place where your relationship with yourself is unbreakable.

TIP #4 : Recharge yourself with good vibes!

No matter how confident we are, sometimes we have to deal with unexpected situations: obstacles, losses, heartbreaks, hardships, failures, etc.

Life doesn’t guarantee 100% success or happiness all the time. Sometimes it will pause your journey to happiness or even tear you apart.

That’s when you need a source of recharge.

I suggest you keep a photograph or more about one thing that you hold most dear.

Now, this too differs from person to person. It could be a photo of:

  • Yourself where you are so happy and free
  • Your family/ lover
  • Your long-term goals

Whatever it is it should remind you of:

  • The beauty of your life
  • Things/ people you’re always thankful in your life
  • What it was like to feel so comfortable & lively
  • Why you have to be successful & happy in your life

This will boost your energy to feel the same motivation and encouragement by just looking at the photo.

Put that picture somewhere you will see it most of the time:

  • Your phone background/ screensaver
  • Print it and stick it up on a wall
  • Your study table/ office table

Whenever you feel down, less motivated, or frustrated, take a look at that photograph and recharge yourself with those good vibes!

TIP #5 : Express yourself

What makes you feel fully alive?

To feel freedom and be alive, you need to express yourself from the bottom of your heart. Find ways that you can let yourself fly high.

Most of the time this could be something you did naturally when you were a kid. Or perhaps now you have discovered new interests too. Who knows?

Whatever it is, you should be so passionate about it, and it should really connect with the deepest parts of yourself.

More importantly, you should spare some time to do those things, got it?

Painting, drawing, reading, writing, singing, dancing, composing music, poetry, pottery, photography, videography, sculpting, sewing, cooking, acting, gardening, DJing, blogging, vlogging, the list never ends. Everyone has that one thing that makes them feel alive and be who they really are.

So, tell me, what is it for you?

TIP #6 : Be active, be happy!

When practicing self-love, we often tend to think that we should only focus on good mental health. But the truth is, we should focus on our physical health too.

In fact, we have to give our attention to our body: the physical activities and what we feed ourselves.

As a part of your self-love routine, spare some time to do physical activities that make you feel strong and great in your body. It could be a workout, yoga, dancing, aerobics, dancing, you name it!

Ultimately, your body will become gorgeous and energetic. It will take some time. But it’s worth it.

TIP #7 : Nourish yourself

Nurture yourself.

That’s one of the basic and easiest ways of practicing self-love. Listen to what your body tells you it really needs.

There’s no healthier way to start your day rather than with a green smoothie!

Eat fresh fruits and vegetables more. Drink more water. Maintain a healthy body. Take your vitamins and other medications properly.

The way we feed our bodies reflects how we love ourselves. So go ahead, nourish yourself, and lay the strongest foundation for self-love!

Don’t forget, personal hygiene also is very important.

TIP #8 : Go on a date!

Take yourself out on a date!

Never tried that before? Then, now is the time that you do it.

Do something special for yourself. Do something that you would only do with someone else. Give yourself the attention and love you would only give to someone special.

All this is just for you! You’ve been thinking about others that you hardly had time to think about yourself. And finally, you’re loving your own self.

Take yourself to your favorite café. Treat yourself with a coffee and a cake. Or take yourself on a spa weekend. Travel to a beautiful place that you always wanted to. Whatever you do, at the end of the day, you’ll begin to feel alive, again.

Solo dating is where you spend some quality time with yourself doing something cool and special.

TIP #9 : Track everything

Even though these steps can transform you into a better person, doing them just for one time is clearly not enough.

Continue these simple steps at least for a week. Trust me you will never gonna stop this! And you’ll be forever grateful that you didn’t give up!

You’ll end up falling in love with yourself over and over again.

Track your progress, mood, and habits. Don’t lose track of your path to self-love. You have to look after your own self and it’s no one else’s duty.


Self-love is an art. It should be practiced well and mastered over time.

So, what happens if you practice self-love? You become your own best friend.

And as already mentioned, you’ll eventually feel that your relationship with yourself is unbreakable. Loving yourself leads to a lifelong romance with yourself.

Which tip from today’s post are you going to try first? Or maybe I didn’t mention one of your favorite self-love tips.

Either way, let me know by leaving a comment below right now.

Thanks for reading!

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