A small act of kindness can make a big impact.

If you’re looking for ways to uplift others around you, but you’re stuck at home due to any reason, here are some inspirations for random acts of kindness. All of these can be done from your home or within your neighborhood.

Check this list and see if you can brighten someone’s day!

  • Complement a loved one in the morning to make their day bright.
  • Write a letter to a friend encouraging him/ her.
  • Have a pizza delivered to a friend.
  • Take a meal to a neighbor.
  • Call a friend to see how he/ she’s doing.
  • If you’re away from home, call your parents. They just miss you.
  • Text your partner/ spouse at work and say, ‘I love you.’
  • Send flowers to your grandma.
  • Say something kind when you could choose to be aggressive or negative.
  • Leave a love note for your partner.
  • Leave a note of encouragement for your kids.
  • Thank your child’s teacher for their commitment.
  • Offer a babysit for a friend so that they can have free time with her partner.
  • Mail a letter to your grandparents if they live far away.
  • Make your partner’s or father’s return from work pleasant with a family eager to see him.
  • Donate online to any trustworthy organization that you’ve thought about supporting.
  • Leave an encouraging comment on a hardworking blogger’s blog or Facebook page.
  • Order a magazine subscription for someone.
  • Help a neighbor with yard work.
  • Tell a joke to someone and make them laugh.
  • Take the day not to complain.
  • Give a hug to someone.
  • Help your child/ loved one with something he/ she has been struggling to complete. (Homework, a project, etc.)
  • Pay a bill online for someone who is struggling financially.
  • When you’re preparing a meal, make extra and freeze it for when someone else may need it.
  • In summer when you’re raking leaves in the fall, help your neighbors too.
  • See if your church has details of people who need to be sponsored or helped.
  • Pray for someone and send them a note letting them know that you did.
  • Do a household chore that is normally your partner’s or child’s or parents’ responsibility.
  • Send a thank you note to a teacher, pastor, mentor, doctor, postman, trash collector, etc.
  • Offer a walk to a neighbor’s dog.
  • Raise awareness, donate, or volunteer for a charity.
  • Make a popsicle or lemonade stand on a warm day and give the treats away for free.
  • Send an online gift card to your aunt/ friend.
  • Pick up trash in the neighborhood.
  • Make a bird feeder and hang it outdoors so that the birds in your garden or locality can enjoy it.
  • Forgive someone with who you’ve been struggling for a while.
  • Leave a note in your mailbox to appreciate your mail carrier.
  • If you’re stressed remember it’s just a bad day, not a bad life. Make sure to be kind to yourself to you too.

You might also like to read about 151 Random Acts of Kindness.


No matter where you are, just seek a chance to help someone, every day.

You don’t need to be rich to help someone. Just a small gesture, smile or even listening would help someone in need.

Look around and you’ll find hundreds of ways to help others. And trust me, you’ll feel great to see that you were the reason behind one’s happiness. It will bring peace to your mind, all the more reason to practice kindness.

Every small contribution makes a positive impact on both of your lives.

Know someone who’d be interested in brightening up someone’s life? Well then, don’t forget to share this with them too!

What is the best random act of kindness that you like in the list? Are there any other random acts of kindness? If so, why don’t you write them in the comments below? I can’t wait to read them all!

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