Simple but powerful tips to soothe, pamper and care for your body, mind, and spirit. Sometimes the simplest things have the greatest impact.

The relationship with yourself sets the tone for every other relationship you have.

Self care is all about taking care of yourself; your physical, mental, emotional, and social health. Self care helps you to maintain optimal wellbeing while working on self-improvement.

What matters most about self care is to listen to what your mind, soul, and body need.

Self-care is an incredibly diverse topic. But to start off with, we can list self-care routine habits into 4 main pillars: mental, emotional, physical, and social self-care.

Here are some simple but effective ideas to fill your self care routine.

Mental Self Care Ideas

  • Avoiding toxic people.
  • Refresh your morning routine.
  • Starting a journal to release your thoughts and emotions.
  • Practicing saying ‘no’ to things that make you uneasy or unhappy.
  • Making a playlist based on your moods.
  • Decluttering and cleaning your living space.
  • Creating a to-do list to clear up the mind.
  • Doing a workbook for mental health.
  • Practicing mindfulness.
  • Taking a mental health day.
  • Unplug from social media/ technology for at least an hour per day.
  • Doing something exciting.
  • Focusing on being happy rather than worrying about things.
  • Dressing up to feel cute and confident.
  • Doing makeup.
  • Having your favorite haircut.
  • Coloring your hair as you like.
  • Listening to an inspirational podcast/ audiobook.
  • Completing a to-do list daily for your satisfaction.
  • Rewarding yourself for achieving small, specific targets.
  • Scheduling some time for ‘you’.
  • Trying a new hobby.
  • Meditating in a quiet spot.
  • Painting.
  • Reading a good book.
  • Reading personal growth articles.
  • Watching a comedy movie.
  • Doing some gardening.
  • Trying something new that you wanted for a long time.
  • Challenge your negative thinking.
  • Learning a new skill. (i.e., photography, painting, videography, etc.)
  • Doing simple DIY projects to relieve stress.
  • Having your favorite meal/ dessert.
  • Taking a nap.
  • Watching the sunrise or sunset.
  • Relaxing to nature sounds.
  • Going on road trips.
  • Letting yourself be a kid.
  • Taking a ton of beautiful photographs.
  • Listening to relaxing music.
  • Playing an instrument.
  • Sitting in the sunshine.
  • Going stargazing.
  • Going for a long walk.
  • Cooking your favorite meals.
  • Trying new dishes.
  • Taking a midday nap.
  • Buying yourself flowers.
  • Making a vision board.
  • Visiting your favorite place.
  • Doing a crossword puzzle or sudoku.
  • Playing a game.

Emotional Self Care Ideas

  • Repeating positive affirmations.
  • Defining new goals every month/ week.
  • Praying.
  • Going to church.
  • Engaging in self-reflection.
  • Creating a list that you’re grateful for and referring to it whenever you feel low.
  • Doing something that makes you actually happy.
  • Trying mindfulness exercises.
  • Enjoying your silence.
  • Practicing deep breathing.
  • Giving yourself a facial.
  • Spending some time outdoors.
  • Doing something nice for someone (except yourself) without anything in return.
  • Sharing only positive things on social media.
  • Editing your social feeds.
  • Writing. (i.e., poetry, journaling, bullet journals, composing)
  • Writing a self-care journal.
  • Unfollowing or muting toxic people on social media.
  • Trying some adult coloring for relieving anxiety or stress.
  • Repeat positive affirmations.
  • Decluttering and cleaning up the room/ home.
  • Writing a letter to people who have hurt you in the past, then burning the letter and letting it all go.
  • Writing a list of things you love.
  • Going on a solo date.
  • Lighting an aromatic candle.
  • Coming up with a creative idea for releasing your fear, anxiety, frustration, etc.
  • Refraining from being overly critical of yourself.
  • Allowing yourself to express all of your emotions. (i.e., journaling, composing)
  • Cleaning out your email inbox.
  • Organizing your phone/ computer folders.
  • Painting nails.
  • Cuddling a pet.
  • Dancing to your favorite music.
  • Singing at the top of your lungs to your favorite songs.
  • Reading inspirational quotes.

Physical Self Care Ideas

  • Having 3 main meals.
  • Eat healthily.
  • Drinking plenty of water.
  • Practicing good hygiene.
  • Stay clean and fresh.
  • Start stretching.
  • Doing some yoga.
  • Doing workouts.
  • Practicing some breathing techniques.
  • Taking your medications properly.
  • Regular health checkups.
  • Dental care.
  • Taking a bubble bath.
  • Putting a face mask on.
  • Sleep better.
  • Staying hydrated.
  • Going for a walk.
  • Going on a spa day.
  • Get a massage.
  • Applying sunscreen.
  • Dance.
  • Hiking.
  • Swimming.
  • Getting a hug.
  • Having a bike ride.
  • Taking a good bath.
  • Working out all your emotions.
  • Playing with a pet.
  • Cleaning and reorganizing your room.
  • Having a pamper day/ night.
  • Diffusing essential oils.
  • Drinking herbal tea.

Social Self Care Ideas

  • Talking with a friend.
  • Visiting a family member.
  • Going on dates.
  • Having dinner together.
  • Plan a trip/ activity.
  • Positive social media.
  • Asking someone for help when in need.
  • Spending time with someone you love.
  • Join online inspirational communities.
  • Go out for a coffee.
  • Spending time with people is inspiring.
  • Engaging in team sports.


It’s so important to take time for yourself and find peace of mind for the most important relationship is the one you have with yourself.

Self-care includes these simple routine habits along with many other practices that help you to become a better version of yourself. Stay tuned for more ideas coming up on self-care!

What is your best self-care practice that you’re already trying?

Which ideas from today’s post are you going to try first?

Don’t forget to let us know by leaving a comment below right now.

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